New feature added soon

This feature might be nice to some. If you have seen vista, this one better.

Nameless feature.

Glass effect, it's old.

Share with you that the idea of glass effect ( Used on Articina ) is not new ( for me ).
I've used it on my blog trial designs and ditched the idea. Using that idea since 2006, I have comeup nice templates but of course, changed my mind.

Hehe, now "complicated" usaged used on Articina, looks great.
You should try my system 1 (discontinued).
Articnina adopt some of it's features there.

I write this post as I was data searching my hard drive, found my early ideas as old as 2005.

Formerly known as Soft design, Now Articnia glass.

Releasing Articina

Going to release Articina soon.
Beta still (like kanami)
Hohoho....password protected.
Only some are allowed to view it.
(Close-source;only friends)

Welcome kanami.

A late welcome but since my computer got some *minor issues*
I add you in (lol treat it like a person)

Beta 1 ( See, no change )

The next stage

Let's bring to the whole new level ( for me of course )

The new interface, fresh look from this afternoon ( maybe not that fresh )

Kanami (かなみ)

New name and new look.
Well at least cleaner then Articina (あrちしな)

If you didn't notice ( how to put in this way... )

Kanami (かなみ) don't have any glass effect.

Very simple and basic.

Even so it's a complete redo of the overall designing.

Took me about 10-20 minutes of thinking and designing.


Well it's worth it. =D

The first Version 2

The version 2 of the articina interface is here for preview...
Preview I mean a peek....not really done but better then nothing. =D

By the way...that window uses only one layer, a big improvment in reducing working memory used and still looks great. However it's still in beta stage.