Blogging secretly..

Not suppose to use the computer lawl but hey, I’m blogging =3

But nothing to blog about… Oh ya.. US got big thing…

Going slow but not stopping

Due to my workload increasing, well this is going very slow like a snail pace.

New designs, next month or so. Till I’m free then I will post something.

Minor tweaks around the blog.

You realise that this notice "The site will be undergoing a minor script change. Some funtionality might be missing or disabled. I am sorry for any convenience caused. " is shown.

Right now I'm trying to remove scripts that might slow down loading time. Though I'm not suffering from any page opening speed issue as I have a good internet connection =P and using IE7 for blogging (I know that IE7 sucks and the slowest but load pretty decent.) and as this blog host alot of images, scripts removal is required for loading speed and of course useless scripts is an eyesore.

You might notice alot of changes but the overall interface is pretty much the same.

Hope this does not affect your experience while browsing this blog of mine.
Stay happy and postive =D

Oceania | Snow X High resoution

Well it beats using 550MB ram just on that...
Go on, click on it.. it's damn big.

Moving to a better site.

Don't be mistaken.. Not blog moving but site moving.

My google site is still banned for no good reason and I had enough with google site services. (Not blogger of course)

The new URL is from wordpress. Now moving content and lucky, it's HTML code is portable. The name is very obvious...

Oceania | Snow X

From Articina Interface designing

It's design is slightly changed to fit to the tone of the background.
Now it really and nearly resemble windows vista aero window...
I just add Outer glow and poof, aero clone...
Now I know the missing piece is been fixed to the puzzle.
From Articina Interface designing

Also the login screen change alot too. =)